Letting Go: Healing Through The Art of Storytelling

We live in a society that uses silence as a tool of oppression against underrepresented and marginalized communities. By diminishing and undervaluing our voice, we tend to internalize the idea that what we have to say and the experiences we have gone through do not matter. As the great Zora Neale Hurston said, “If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” Let us no longer suffer in silence.

This workshop is a community space that encourages radical vulnerability and empathy by owning our stories and sharing them for emotional healing and liberation. In this workshop, we use storytelling as a source of empowerment and a form of activism that is rooted in love, compassion, and freedom while also facilitating consciousness raising and thoughtful reflection. This workshop is for those who want to start reclaiming their personal power, develop self knowledge and compassion, learn about artistic activism, and find release through creative expression.


This workshop will include:

  • An introduction to the power of storytelling and how it can be used for healing and emotional liberation
  • A writing exercise that will guide you to craft your story from your heart to the page
  • A safe space for story sharing and affirmation 


If you are interested in having me facilitate this workshop for your community, please contact me with all of the detailed information you can provide about your group and its needs.